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Active ingredients in agriculture : The key to success

Learn how the addition of biological active ingredients, such as beneficial fungi and bacteria, helps stimulate and improve the health of agricultural soils and increases crop yields.

Biological active ingredients improve harvest yields

The addition of active ingredients, such as beneficial fungi and bacteria, helps stimulate and improve the health of agricultural soils and increases crop yields.

A healthy soil facilitates plant growth by making mineral elements and water available.

To help your crops thrive, AGTIV® has selected 4 biological active ingredients: mycorrhizae, rhizobium, Bacillus and Serendipita. Used on their own, each has a positive impact on your crops:

  • Mycorrhizae help plants reach and absorb more nutrients and water;  
  • Rhizobium fixes nitrogen (from the air) for better growth;  
  • Bacillus stimulates the plant for stronger growth and a healthier root zone; 
  • Serendipita stimulates plant growth by increasing photosynthesis and alleviating abiotic stress. 
AGTIV® active ingredients

Our mycorrhizal fungi:  

  • Rhizophagus irregularis – PTB297 Technology 
    Studied and targeted as the best collaborator with plants. It quickly colonizes the roots, absorbs a lot of phosphorus and transfers it efficiently.

Our endophytic fungi: 

  • Serendipita indica – PTB299 Technology 
    Compatible with a wide range of plants, including Brassicaceae (e.g. canola and mustard). It accesses the root epidermis and activates a series of mechanisms to stimulate the plant for better growth. 

Our rhizobial bacteria: 

  • Bradyrhizobium japonicum – PTB162  Technology 
  • Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae – PTB160 Technology 
    Highly compatible with our mycorrhizal fungi and leguminous crops. Our rhizobia form nodules on the roots and fix nitrogen. 

Our Bacillus bacteria:

  • Bacillus pumilus – PTB180 Technology 
  • Bacillus inaquasorum – PTB185 Technology
    Able to colonize plant roots and mycorrhizal fungus hyphae. Our Bacillus envelop the roots and create a healthy environment.

Table 1. AGTIV® biological active ingredients properties ​

Increases resistance to ABIOTIC STRESSES (drought, compaction, salinity, freezing)  X X
Stimulates GROWTH  X X X X
Improves assimilation of WATER  X X
Improves assimilation of NUTRIENTS  X X
Fixes atmospheric NITROGEN  X
Increases CHLOROPHYLL content  X

Compatibility with crops and other active ingredients

Biological active ingredients have positive effects on crop yields when used alone, or in combination. Combined inoculation offers the benefits of each organism and amplifies their effects. 

This is what we call tripartite synergy: a collaboration between the plant, the fungi and the bacteria. Synergy can also be between the plant and two bacteria. 

Of course, it's important to ensure that the active ingredients are compatible with the crops. 

We also need to validate the compatibility of active ingredients with each other and with other inputs such as pesticides. 

Once these compatibilities have been tested and the dual-action inoculation has been performed, tripartite synergy occurs! 

...And you get an exponential effect on your returns.

SOYBEANS, PEAS, LENTILS and FABA BEANS: Mycorrhizae and rhizobium help plants thrive

The rhizobium-mycorrhizae combination allows you to benefit from the advantages of each and synergize to further enhance their effects.

This tripartite synergy generates a number of benefits and is widely studied and documented by the scientific community.

Mycorrhizae provide nutrients and water that are inaccessible to the plant:

  • The mycorrhizal fungus spreads its filaments called hyphae in the soil.
  • The hyphae network accesses resources inaccessible to the plant, such as water, phosphorus, nitrogen and other nutrients.
  • These nutrients are sent to the plant in exchange for carbon (energy) from photosynthesis.

Rhizobium provides nitrogen to the plant:

  • Rhizobium creates nodules that fix atmospheric nitrogen and transform it into a form of nitrogen that the plant can use.
  • Nitrogen is transferred to the plant in exchange for sugars (carbon products).

Mycorrhizae and rhizobium work together:

  • The rhizobium bacterium needs a lot of phosphorus and iron to fix nitrogen optimally.
  • The hyphae of mycorrhizae absorb more phosphorus and iron, which are then transferred to the rhizobium nodules.
  • The nodule has access to more phosphorus, resulting in higher nitrogen fixation.
  • With more nitrogen, the plant increases photosynthesis, which in turn increases sugar production.
  • Sugar being energy, this results in better growth.

Compatibility of bacteria and mycorrhizae

Compatibility with mycorrhizal fungi is specific to certain bacteria.

The bacteria selected by AGTIV® are highly compatible with the fungus. This high compatibility enables the rhizobium to multiply along the hyphae of the fungus. Nodules can therefore form on other sections of the root system, and in greater quantities.

More nodules on a larger part of the roots will supply more nitrogen to the plant, which will then grow better.

SOYBEAN: Improving nitrogen uptake with rhizobium and Bacillus

Rhizobium and Bacillus bacteria work closely together to create a healthy environment around the roots.

Bacillus forms a biofilm around roots and rhizobium nodules. This biofilm promotes a healthy environment that favors growth.

Rhizobium fixes the nitrogen required for protein production via nodules. These act as production factories, transferring the nitrogen into a form the plant can use.

This nitrogen ensures better growth through more active photosynthesis. In turn, the plant supplies sugars and phosphorus to soil bacteria, further stimulating their beneficial effects.

POTATOES: Greater yield with mycorrhizae and Bacillus

The symbiosis between a mycorrhizal fungus, Bacillus and a plant is particularly effective in potato cultivation. It is also perfectly suited to field cultivation.

Mycorrhizae provide access to more nutrients and water:

The fungus deploys its network of hyphae, establishing a symbiotic relationship with the plant's roots. The fungus receives sugars and lipids from the plant. In exchange, it transmits phosphorus, iron and water.

The high-performance strain of fungus used in AGTIV® rapidly colonizes roots. The fungus creates an extensive network of hyphae that explore the slightest crevice in the soil in search of nutrients and water. The earlier the plant is inoculated, the longer it benefits from the effects of this mycorrhizae-Bacillus symbiosis. We therefore recommend inoculating as soon as possible after planting.

Bacillus promotes a healthy environment:

Bacillus colonizes the plant roots and hyphae of the mycorrhizal fungus. It produces a biofilm around the roots and hyphae. This biofilm contains lipopeptides, which create a healthy environment for the roots, promoting mineral and water uptake!

Both microorganisms contribute to the success of your harvests:

The fungus promotes the growth and expansion of the bacteria in the soil. The bacterium promotes the development of the fungus. Both help the plant to grow better. 

Why choose AGTIV®

AGTIV® is a Premier Tech brand.

Choosing Premier Tech means choosing...

  • A century-old company.
  • 40 years of expertise in research, development and marketing of active ingredients.
  • 23 years of production of endomycorrhizal inoculants in an aseptic environment which ensures a production of consistent quality. We are the firsts in the world!
  • An exceptional know-how: Several active ingredient formulations, different concentrations and carriers to adapt to your crops and farming practices.

We strongly believe that the quality of an inoculant makes all the difference!

Our proven formulations are based on these key elements:

  • Carriers compatible with active ingredients; The addition of active ingredients, such as beneficial fungi and bacteria, helps to stimulate and improve the health of agricultural soil, as well as increasing crop yields.
  • Compatibility of active ingredients with one another;
  • Formulations adapted to agricultural practices;
  • Survival of active ingredients until use;
  • Rigorous quality control at numerous key points;
  • Various formulations adapted to organic production.